Koi Angel (Pterophyllum scalare)

Quick Facts :: Koi Angel
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Maximum Size: 6″
Minimum Tank Size: 20 Gallons
Water Conditions: 75-82° F, KH 1-5, pH 6.0-7.0
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Amazon, Peru, Eastern Ecuador
Family: Cichlidae
Species: Angelfish
Aquarium Type: Community

Koi Angel

Koi Angel’s have been bred to accentuate their blotched or mottled black, white, yellow and orange coloration. It is this mottled coloration that gives them their common name as their color blotches are similar to the selectively bred ornamental carp called Koi. Their random patterns and coloration make each on of these fish unique, as each specimen will have a different pattern and coloration. Koi Angel’s are long lived compared to many tropical community fish species, with some specimens living more than 10 years in a well maintained aquarium environment. Koi Angel’s do well in the community aquarium, but will eat very small fish species like young tetras or guppies.

Koi Angel’s should be kept in mature tropical aquariums with soft, slightly acidic water conditions and stable water temperatures that stay above 75°F. While not required, Koi Angel’s will do much better in aquariums that are well planted with live plants as this will most closely replicate their natural environment. They should also be kept in an aquarium with moderate water flow as in the wild they tend to stay out of strong currents and will congregate among the heavily planted shores or near underwater root structures. The Koi Angel should be housed as a single specimen, mated pair or group of 6 or more, so that a single dominant fish will not pick on the other smaller and weaker Angels. Lastly, care should be taken when housing the Koi Angel with known fin nippers as their long fins will make them a target for harassment. If kept with fin nipping species like barbs, make sure that the barbs are kept in a large enough group so that they will nip amongst themselves and leave the Angel alone. Plenty of plants within the aquarium will also give the Koi Angel places to seek refuge if it is being harassed by another fish.

Koi Angelfish are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of live and prepared foods that are commonly fed to freshwater tropical fish species. They have a particular love for blood worms and tubifex worms, but will readily consume flake, pellet and frozen foods. They should be fed about twice per day the amount of food that they will consume within 5 minutes. When housed in aquariums with many faster swimming fish species, it may be necessary to increase feedings to 3 times per day to make sure that the Angel is properly fed. [more info Aquarium Domain]